
About Us
Potomac Creek Publishing is a small, independent publishing company that serves the large base of writers who want to publish their works, but who are ignored by the traditional publishing companies.  We focus on writers who want to write and need help with the business of publishing, specifically editing, marketing, and distribution.

The current model for independent publishing puts too much of the onus of the business of publishing on the authors.  It is overwhelming for most authors and is inefficient.  Authors are at their best when writing and that is how they should spend their time.  We believe in the creativity of our authors and are successful only if they are successful.  We want our authors to focus on being authors while we focus on connecting them to their readers.

Our model is to build teams of independent editors and artists around our authors’ projects whose sole focus is to work with our authors to deliver exciting and interesting works of fiction and nonfiction.  Every team member has a stake in the final product and invests time and effort in making it a success.  Every member has the opportunity to assess and decide if the work is worth their investment.  Once committed to the project, all have a great deal of incentive to create the best product possible.